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Feb 6, 20232 min read
The Current Interest Rate Environment and Its Effect on Lending
The interest rate environment is a crucial factor for both borrowers and lenders.
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Nov 18, 20223 min read
Why do you need a business plan?
A business plan is important and strategic tool for entrepreneurs. It helps focus on the specific steps to start their business.
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Sep 28, 20212 min read
When Making Financial Decisions, Think Like An Economist
As we go about our daily lives, we are faced with having to make many different decisions about money. Each decision we need to make...
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Sep 28, 20213 min read
How to Achieve Personal Financial Success
Can you successfully manage my personal finances in today's economy? Yes you can! Most people understand and are told that the key to...
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Jul 20, 20217 min read
The 6 Pieces of Advice I Wish I Received at 18
Recently, a young 18 year old former student that my wife had taught sat me down and asked what he should do with his first paycheck
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Jun 1, 20214 min read
The 4 Finance Lessons I Learned From My Parents Divorce
4 Finance Lessons I Learned From My Parents Divorce
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May 13, 20214 min read
7 financial skills you didn't learn in high school
Recently the Hawaii State legislature killed a bill that would have required a financial literacy class for Hawaii public high school...
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May 11, 20213 min read
Financial Advice for my 30 Year Old Self
Financial advice for 30 year olds, financial advice, financial independence, money in your thirties, money lessons, financial education
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May 6, 20214 min read
Important Lessons on Credit Card Debt
One of the biggest contributors to debt are personal credit cards. Don’t get me wrong…when used correctly, credit cards are an amazing...
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May 5, 20214 min read
Buying a home in 2021: Things you need to know
Over 70% of Americans consider homeownership to be an important part of the American Dream, but buying a home can be one of the most...
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May 5, 20212 min read
Why its important to talk to your family about finances
Studies have shown that more people are comfortable talking with friends and family about sensitive topics like divorce, mental health,...
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May 5, 20213 min read
5 Simple Reasons to Start a Budget Today
A quick heads up. Some of the services we point too are affiliate links. This means I earn a small commission if you were to buy, at...
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